class UuidFactory implements UuidFactoryInterface (View source)


__construct(FeatureSet $features = null)

Constructs a UuidFactory for creating Ramsey\Uuid\UuidInterface instances


Returns the UUID coder-decoder used by this factory

setCodec(CodecInterface $codec)

Sets the UUID coder-decoder used by this factory


Returns the system node ID provider used by this factory


Returns the random UUID generator used by this factory


Returns the time-based UUID generator used by this factory

setTimeGenerator(TimeGeneratorInterface $generator)

Sets the time-based UUID generator this factory will use to generate version 1 UUIDs


Returns the number converter used by this factory

setRandomGenerator(RandomGeneratorInterface $generator)

Sets the random UUID generator this factory will use to generate version 4 UUIDs

setNumberConverter(NumberConverterInterface $converter)

Sets the number converter this factory will use


Returns the UUID builder this factory uses when creating Uuid instances

setUuidBuilder(UuidBuilderInterface $builder)

Sets the UUID builder this factory will use when creating Uuid instances

fromBytes(string $bytes)

Creates a UUID from a byte string.

fromString(string $uuid)

Creates a UUID from the string standard representation

fromInteger(mixed $integer)

Creates a Uuid from an integer representation

uuid1(int|string $node = null, int $clockSeq = null)

Generate a version 1 UUID from a host ID, sequence number, and the current time.

uuid3(string $ns, string $name)

Generate a version 3 UUID based on the MD5 hash of a namespace identifier (which is a UUID) and a name (which is a string).


Generate a version 4 (random) UUID.

uuid5(string $ns, string $name)

Generate a version 5 UUID based on the SHA-1 hash of a namespace identifier (which is a UUID) and a name (which is a string).

uuid(array $fields)

Returns a Uuid

uuidFromNsAndName(string|UuidInterface $ns, string $name, int $version, string $hashFunction)

Returns a version 3 or 5 namespaced Uuid

uuidFromHashedName(string $hash, int $version)

Returns a Uuid created from $hash with the version field set to $version and the variant field set for RFC 4122


__construct(FeatureSet $features = null)

Constructs a UuidFactory for creating Ramsey\Uuid\UuidInterface instances


FeatureSet $features A set of features for use when creating UUIDs

CodecInterface getCodec()

Returns the UUID coder-decoder used by this factory

Return Value


setCodec(CodecInterface $codec)

Sets the UUID coder-decoder used by this factory


CodecInterface $codec

NodeProviderInterface getNodeProvider()

Returns the system node ID provider used by this factory

Return Value


RandomGeneratorInterface getRandomGenerator()

Returns the random UUID generator used by this factory

TimeGeneratorInterface getTimeGenerator()

Returns the time-based UUID generator used by this factory

Return Value


setTimeGenerator(TimeGeneratorInterface $generator)

Sets the time-based UUID generator this factory will use to generate version 1 UUIDs


TimeGeneratorInterface $generator

NumberConverterInterface getNumberConverter()

Returns the number converter used by this factory

setRandomGenerator(RandomGeneratorInterface $generator)

Sets the random UUID generator this factory will use to generate version 4 UUIDs


RandomGeneratorInterface $generator

setNumberConverter(NumberConverterInterface $converter)

Sets the number converter this factory will use


NumberConverterInterface $converter

UuidBuilderInterface getUuidBuilder()

Returns the UUID builder this factory uses when creating Uuid instances

Return Value

UuidBuilderInterface $builder

setUuidBuilder(UuidBuilderInterface $builder)

Sets the UUID builder this factory will use when creating Uuid instances


UuidBuilderInterface $builder

UuidInterface fromBytes(string $bytes)

Creates a UUID from a byte string.


string $bytes A 16-byte string representation of a UUID

Return Value


UuidInterface fromString(string $uuid)

Creates a UUID from the string standard representation


string $uuid A string representation of a UUID

Return Value


UuidInterface fromInteger(mixed $integer)

Creates a Uuid from an integer representation

The integer representation may be a real integer, a string integer, or an integer representation supported by a configured number converter.


mixed $integer The integer to use when creating a Uuid from an integer; may be of any type understood by the configured number converter

Return Value


UuidInterface uuid1(int|string $node = null, int $clockSeq = null)

Generate a version 1 UUID from a host ID, sequence number, and the current time.


int|string $node A 48-bit number representing the hardware address This number may be represented as an integer or a hexadecimal string.
int $clockSeq A 14-bit number used to help avoid duplicates that could arise when the clock is set backwards in time or if the node ID changes.

Return Value


UuidInterface uuid3(string $ns, string $name)

Generate a version 3 UUID based on the MD5 hash of a namespace identifier (which is a UUID) and a name (which is a string).


string $ns The UUID namespace in which to create the named UUID
string $name The name to create a UUID for

Return Value


UuidInterface uuid4()

Generate a version 4 (random) UUID.

Return Value


UuidInterface uuid5(string $ns, string $name)

Generate a version 5 UUID based on the SHA-1 hash of a namespace identifier (which is a UUID) and a name (which is a string).


string $ns The UUID namespace in which to create the named UUID
string $name The name to create a UUID for

Return Value


UuidInterface uuid(array $fields)

Returns a Uuid

Uses the configured builder and codec and the provided array of hexadecimal value UUID fields to construct a Uuid object.


array $fields An array of fields from which to construct a UUID; see {see \Ramsey\Uuid\UuidInterface::getFieldsHex()} for array structure.

Return Value


protected UuidInterface uuidFromNsAndName(string|UuidInterface $ns, string $name, int $version, string $hashFunction)

Returns a version 3 or 5 namespaced Uuid


string|UuidInterface $ns The UUID namespace to use
string $name The string to hash together with the namespace
int $version The version of UUID to create (3 or 5)
string $hashFunction The hash function to use when hashing together the namespace and name

Return Value


protected UuidInterface uuidFromHashedName(string $hash, int $version)

Returns a Uuid created from $hash with the version field set to $version and the variant field set for RFC 4122


string $hash The hash to use when creating the UUID
int $version The UUID version to set for this hash (1, 3, 4, or 5)

Return Value
