
CombGenerator provides functionality to generate COMB (combined GUID/timestamp) sequential UUIDs
DefaultTimeGenerator provides functionality to generate strings of binary data for version 1 UUIDs based on a host ID, sequence number, and the current time
MtRandRandomGenerator provides functionality to generate strings of random binary data using the mt_rand() PHP function
OpenSslRandomGenerator provides functionality to generate strings of random binary data using the openssl_random_pseudo_bytes() PHP function
PeclUuidRandomGenerator provides functionality to generate strings of random binary data using the PECL UUID PHP extension
PeclUuidTimeGenerator provides functionality to generate strings of binary data for version 1 UUIDs using the PECL UUID PHP extension
RandomBytesGenerator provides functionality to generate strings of random binary data using random_bytes() function in PHP 7+ or paragonie/random_compat
A factory for retrieving a random generator, based on the environment
RandomLibAdapter provides functionality to generate strings of random binary data using the ircmaxell/random-lib library
SodiumRandomGenerator provides functionality to generate strings of random binary data using the PECL libsodium extension
A factory for retrieving a time generator, based on the environment


RandomGeneratorInterface provides functionality to generate strings of random binary data
TimeGeneratorInterface provides functionality to generate strings of binary data for version 1 UUIDs based on a host ID, sequence number, and the current time