class DegradedUuid extends Uuid (View source)

DegradedUuid represents an RFC 4122 UUID on 32-bit systems



When this namespace is specified, the name string is a fully-qualified domain name.


When this namespace is specified, the name string is a URL.


When this namespace is specified, the name string is an ISO OID.


When this namespace is specified, the name string is an X.500 DN in DER or a text output format.


The nil UUID is special form of UUID that is specified to have all 128 bits set to zero.


Reserved for NCS compatibility.


Specifies the UUID layout given in RFC 4122.


Reserved for Microsoft compatibility.


Reserved for future definition.


Regular expression pattern for matching a valid UUID of any variant.


Version 1 (time-based) UUID object constant identifier


Version 2 (identifier-based) UUID object constant identifier


Version 3 (name-based and hashed with MD5) UUID object constant identifier


Version 4 (random) UUID object constant identifier


Version 5 (name-based and hashed with SHA1) UUID object constant identifier


protected CodecInterface $codec The codec to use when encoding or decoding UUID strings. from Uuid
protected array $fields The fields that make up this UUID. from Uuid
protected NumberConverterInterface $converter The number converter to use for converting hex values to/from integers. from Uuid


__construct(array $fields, NumberConverterInterface $converter, CodecInterface $codec)

Creates a universally unique identifier (UUID) from an array of fields.

from Uuid

Converts this UUID object to a string when the object is used in any string context.

from Uuid

Converts this UUID object to a string when the object is serialized with json_encode()

from Uuid

Converts this UUID object to a string when the object is serialized with serialize()

from Uuid
unserialize(string $serialized)

Re-constructs the object from its serialized form.

from Uuid
compareTo(UuidInterface $other)

Compares this UUID to the specified UUID.

from Uuid
equals(object $other)

Compares this object to the specified object.

from Uuid

Returns the UUID as a 16-byte string (containing the six integer fields in big-endian byte order).

from Uuid

Returns the high field of the clock sequence multiplexed with the variant (bits 65-72 of the UUID).

from Uuid

Returns the high field of the clock sequence multiplexed with the variant (bits 65-72 of the UUID).

from Uuid

Returns the low field of the clock sequence (bits 73-80 of the UUID).

from Uuid

Returns the low field of the clock sequence (bits 73-80 of the UUID).

from Uuid

Returns the clock sequence value associated with this UUID.

from Uuid

Returns the clock sequence value associated with this UUID.

from Uuid

Returns the number converter to use for converting hex values to/from integers.

from Uuid

Returns a PHP DateTime object representing the timestamp associated with this UUID.


For degraded UUIDs, throws an UnsatisfiedDependencyException when called on a 32-bit system


Returns an array of the fields of this UUID, with keys named according to the RFC 4122 names for the fields.

from Uuid

Returns the hexadecimal value of the UUID.

from Uuid

Returns the integer value of the UUID, converted to an appropriate number representation.

from Uuid

Returns the least significant 64 bits of this UUID's 128 bit value.

from Uuid

Returns the least significant 64 bits of this UUID's 128 bit value.

from Uuid

Returns the most significant 64 bits of this UUID's 128 bit value.

from Uuid

Returns the most significant 64 bits of this UUID's 128 bit value.

from Uuid

For degraded UUIDs, throws an UnsatisfiedDependencyException when called on a 32-bit system


Returns the node value associated with this UUID

from Uuid

Returns the high field of the timestamp multiplexed with the version number (bits 49-64 of the UUID).

from Uuid

Returns the high field of the timestamp multiplexed with the version number (bits 49-64 of the UUID).

from Uuid

For degraded UUIDs, throws an UnsatisfiedDependencyException when called on a 32-bit system


Returns the low field of the timestamp (the first 32 bits of the UUID).

from Uuid

Returns the middle field of the timestamp (bits 33-48 of the UUID).

from Uuid

Returns the middle field of the timestamp (bits 33-48 of the UUID).

from Uuid

For degraded UUIDs, throws an UnsatisfiedDependencyException when called on a 32-bit system


Returns the timestamp value associated with this UUID.

from Uuid

Returns the string representation of the UUID as a URN.

from Uuid

Returns the variant number associated with this UUID.

from Uuid

Returns the version number associated with this UUID.

from Uuid

Converts this UUID into a string representation.

from Uuid

Returns the currently set factory used to create UUIDs.

from Uuid
setFactory(UuidFactoryInterface $factory)

Sets the factory used to create UUIDs.

from Uuid
static UuidInterface
fromBytes(string $bytes)

Creates a UUID from a byte string.

from Uuid
static UuidInterface
fromString(string $name)

Creates a UUID from the string standard representation.

from Uuid
static UuidInterface
fromInteger(string $integer)

Creates a UUID from a 128-bit integer string.

from Uuid
static boolean
isValid(string $uuid)

Check if a string is a valid UUID.

from Uuid
static UuidInterface
uuid1(int|string $node = null, int $clockSeq = null)

Generate a version 1 UUID from a host ID, sequence number, and the current time.

from Uuid
static UuidInterface
uuid3(string $ns, string $name)

Generate a version 3 UUID based on the MD5 hash of a namespace identifier (which is a UUID) and a name (which is a string).

from Uuid
static UuidInterface

Generate a version 4 (random) UUID.

from Uuid
static UuidInterface
uuid5(string $ns, string $name)

Generate a version 5 UUID based on the SHA-1 hash of a namespace identifier (which is a UUID) and a name (which is a string).

from Uuid


__construct(array $fields, NumberConverterInterface $converter, CodecInterface $codec)

Creates a universally unique identifier (UUID) from an array of fields.

Unless you're making advanced use of this library to generate identifiers that deviate from RFC 4122, you probably do not want to instantiate a UUID directly. Use the static methods, instead:

use Ramsey\Uuid\Uuid;

$timeBasedUuid     = Uuid::uuid1();
$namespaceMd5Uuid  = Uuid::uuid3(Uuid::NAMESPACE_URL, '');
$randomUuid        = Uuid::uuid4();
$namespaceSha1Uuid = Uuid::uuid5(Uuid::NAMESPACE_URL, '');


array $fields An array of fields from which to construct a UUID; see {see \Ramsey\Uuid\UuidInterface::getFieldsHex()} for array structure.
NumberConverterInterface $converter The number converter to use for converting hex values to/from integers.
CodecInterface $codec The codec to use when encoding or decoding UUID strings.

string __toString()

Converts this UUID object to a string when the object is used in any string context.

Return Value


string jsonSerialize()

Converts this UUID object to a string when the object is serialized with json_encode()

Return Value


string serialize()

Converts this UUID object to a string when the object is serialized with serialize()

Return Value


unserialize(string $serialized)

Re-constructs the object from its serialized form.


string $serialized

int compareTo(UuidInterface $other)

Compares this UUID to the specified UUID.

The first of two UUIDs is greater than the second if the most significant field in which the UUIDs differ is greater for the first UUID.

  • Q. What's the value of being able to sort UUIDs?
  • A. Use them as keys in a B-Tree or similar mapping.


UuidInterface $other UUID to which this UUID is compared

Return Value

int -1, 0 or 1 as this UUID is less than, equal to, or greater than $uuid

bool equals(object $other)

Compares this object to the specified object.

The result is true if and only if the argument is not null, is a UUID object, has the same variant, and contains the same value, bit for bit, as this UUID.


object $other

Return Value

bool True if $other is equal to this UUID

string getBytes()

Returns the UUID as a 16-byte string (containing the six integer fields in big-endian byte order).

Return Value


int getClockSeqHiAndReserved()

Returns the high field of the clock sequence multiplexed with the variant (bits 65-72 of the UUID).

Return Value

int Unsigned 8-bit integer value of clock_seq_hi_and_reserved

string getClockSeqHiAndReservedHex()

Returns the high field of the clock sequence multiplexed with the variant (bits 65-72 of the UUID).

Return Value

string Hexadecimal value of clock_seq_hi_and_reserved

int getClockSeqLow()

Returns the low field of the clock sequence (bits 73-80 of the UUID).

Return Value

int Unsigned 8-bit integer value of clock_seq_low

string getClockSeqLowHex()

Returns the low field of the clock sequence (bits 73-80 of the UUID).

Return Value

string Hexadecimal value of clock_seq_low

int getClockSequence()

Returns the clock sequence value associated with this UUID.

For UUID version 1, the clock sequence is used to help avoid duplicates that could arise when the clock is set backwards in time or if the node ID changes.

For UUID version 3 or 5, the clock sequence is a 14-bit value constructed from a name as described in RFC 4122, Section 4.3.

For UUID version 4, clock sequence is a randomly or pseudo-randomly generated 14-bit value as described in RFC 4122, Section 4.4.

Return Value

int Unsigned 14-bit integer value of clock sequence

string getClockSequenceHex()

Returns the clock sequence value associated with this UUID.

Return Value

string Hexadecimal value of clock sequence

NumberConverterInterface getNumberConverter()

Returns the number converter to use for converting hex values to/from integers.

DateTime getDateTime()

Returns a PHP DateTime object representing the timestamp associated with this UUID.

The timestamp value is only meaningful in a time-based UUID, which has version type 1. If this UUID is not a time-based UUID then this method throws UnsupportedOperationException.

Return Value

DateTime A PHP DateTime representation of the date


UnsupportedOperationException If this UUID is not a version 1 UUID

array getFields()

For degraded UUIDs, throws an UnsatisfiedDependencyException when called on a 32-bit system

Return Value

array The UUID fields represented as integer values


UnsatisfiedDependencyException if called on a 32-bit system

array getFieldsHex()

Returns an array of the fields of this UUID, with keys named according to the RFC 4122 names for the fields.

  • time_low: The low field of the timestamp, an unsigned 32-bit integer
  • time_mid: The middle field of the timestamp, an unsigned 16-bit integer
  • time_hi_and_version: The high field of the timestamp multiplexed with the version number, an unsigned 16-bit integer
  • clock_seq_hi_and_reserved: The high field of the clock sequence multiplexed with the variant, an unsigned 8-bit integer
  • clock_seq_low: The low field of the clock sequence, an unsigned 8-bit integer
  • node: The spatially unique node identifier, an unsigned 48-bit integer

Return Value

array The UUID fields represented as hexadecimal values

string getHex()

Returns the hexadecimal value of the UUID.

Return Value


mixed getInteger()

Returns the integer value of the UUID, converted to an appropriate number representation.

Return Value

mixed Converted representation of the unsigned 128-bit integer value

mixed getLeastSignificantBits()

Returns the least significant 64 bits of this UUID's 128 bit value.

Return Value

mixed Converted representation of the unsigned 64-bit integer value

string getLeastSignificantBitsHex()

Returns the least significant 64 bits of this UUID's 128 bit value.

Return Value

string Hexadecimal value of least significant bits

mixed getMostSignificantBits()

Returns the most significant 64 bits of this UUID's 128 bit value.

Return Value

mixed Converted representation of the unsigned 64-bit integer value

string getMostSignificantBitsHex()

Returns the most significant 64 bits of this UUID's 128 bit value.

Return Value

string Hexadecimal value of most significant bits

int getNode()

For degraded UUIDs, throws an UnsatisfiedDependencyException when called on a 32-bit system

Return Value

int Unsigned 48-bit integer value of node


UnsatisfiedDependencyException if called on a 32-bit system

string getNodeHex()

Returns the node value associated with this UUID

For UUID version 1, the node field consists of an IEEE 802 MAC address, usually the host address. For systems with multiple IEEE 802 addresses, any available one can be used. The lowest addressed octet (octet number 10) contains the global/local bit and the unicast/multicast bit, and is the first octet of the address transmitted on an 802.3 LAN.

For systems with no IEEE address, a randomly or pseudo-randomly generated value may be used; see RFC 4122, Section 4.5. The multicast bit must be set in such addresses, in order that they will never conflict with addresses obtained from network cards.

For UUID version 3 or 5, the node field is a 48-bit value constructed from a name as described in RFC 4122, Section 4.3.

For UUID version 4, the node field is a randomly or pseudo-randomly generated 48-bit value as described in RFC 4122, Section 4.4.

Return Value

string Hexadecimal value of node

int getTimeHiAndVersion()

Returns the high field of the timestamp multiplexed with the version number (bits 49-64 of the UUID).

Return Value

int Unsigned 16-bit integer value of time_hi_and_version

string getTimeHiAndVersionHex()

Returns the high field of the timestamp multiplexed with the version number (bits 49-64 of the UUID).

Return Value

string Hexadecimal value of time_hi_and_version

int getTimeLow()

For degraded UUIDs, throws an UnsatisfiedDependencyException when called on a 32-bit system

Return Value

int Unsigned 32-bit integer value of time_low


UnsatisfiedDependencyException if called on a 32-bit system

string getTimeLowHex()

Returns the low field of the timestamp (the first 32 bits of the UUID).

Return Value

string Hexadecimal value of time_low

int getTimeMid()

Returns the middle field of the timestamp (bits 33-48 of the UUID).

Return Value

int Unsigned 16-bit integer value of time_mid

string getTimeMidHex()

Returns the middle field of the timestamp (bits 33-48 of the UUID).

Return Value

string Hexadecimal value of time_mid

int getTimestamp()

For degraded UUIDs, throws an UnsatisfiedDependencyException when called on a 32-bit system

Return Value

int Unsigned 60-bit integer value of the timestamp


UnsatisfiedDependencyException if called on a 32-bit system
UnsupportedOperationException If this UUID is not a version 1 UUID

string getTimestampHex()

Returns the timestamp value associated with this UUID.

The 60 bit timestamp value is constructed from the time_low, time_mid, and time_hi fields of this UUID. The resulting timestamp is measured in 100-nanosecond units since midnight, October 15, 1582 UTC.

The timestamp value is only meaningful in a time-based UUID, which has version type 1. If this UUID is not a time-based UUID then this method throws UnsupportedOperationException.

Return Value

string Hexadecimal value of the timestamp


UnsupportedOperationException If this UUID is not a version 1 UUID

string getUrn()

Returns the string representation of the UUID as a URN.

Return Value


int getVariant()

Returns the variant number associated with this UUID.

The variant number describes the layout of the UUID. The variant number has the following meaning:

  • 0 - Reserved for NCS backward compatibility
  • 2 - The RFC 4122 variant (used by this class)
  • 6 - Reserved, Microsoft Corporation backward compatibility
  • 7 - Reserved for future definition

Return Value


int|null getVersion()

Returns the version number associated with this UUID.

The version number describes how this UUID was generated and has the following meaning:

  • 1 - Time-based UUID
  • 2 - DCE security UUID
  • 3 - Name-based UUID hashed with MD5
  • 4 - Randomly generated UUID
  • 5 - Name-based UUID hashed with SHA-1

Returns null if this UUID is not an RFC 4122 variant, since version is only meaningful for this variant.

Return Value


string toString()

Converts this UUID into a string representation.

Return Value


static UuidFactoryInterface getFactory()

Returns the currently set factory used to create UUIDs.

Return Value


static setFactory(UuidFactoryInterface $factory)

Sets the factory used to create UUIDs.


UuidFactoryInterface $factory

static UuidInterface fromBytes(string $bytes)

Creates a UUID from a byte string.


string $bytes

Return Value


static UuidInterface fromString(string $name)

Creates a UUID from the string standard representation.


string $name A string that specifies a UUID

Return Value


static UuidInterface fromInteger(string $integer)

Creates a UUID from a 128-bit integer string.


string $integer String representation of 128-bit integer

Return Value


static boolean isValid(string $uuid)

Check if a string is a valid UUID.


string $uuid The string UUID to test

Return Value


static UuidInterface uuid1(int|string $node = null, int $clockSeq = null)

Generate a version 1 UUID from a host ID, sequence number, and the current time.


int|string $node A 48-bit number representing the hardware address This number may be represented as an integer or a hexadecimal string.
int $clockSeq A 14-bit number used to help avoid duplicates that could arise when the clock is set backwards in time or if the node ID changes.

Return Value


static UuidInterface uuid3(string $ns, string $name)

Generate a version 3 UUID based on the MD5 hash of a namespace identifier (which is a UUID) and a name (which is a string).


string $ns The UUID namespace in which to create the named UUID
string $name The name to create a UUID for

Return Value


static UuidInterface uuid4()

Generate a version 4 (random) UUID.

Return Value


static UuidInterface uuid5(string $ns, string $name)

Generate a version 5 UUID based on the SHA-1 hash of a namespace identifier (which is a UUID) and a name (which is a string).


string $ns The UUID namespace in which to create the named UUID
string $name The name to create a UUID for

Return Value
